Welcome to NCMTI's Free Phlebotomy School

Multi-Skilled Phlebotomy Technician™ NCMTI is the only school offering multi-skilled stacked credentials™ Better opportunities for students.    NCMTI is also the proud owner of the Nations only Healthcare Workforce Bootcamp™ offering free tuition

Earn your Diploma and 2-National Certifications

New Career Training Institute’s (NCMTI’s) Free Phlebotomy & Lab Technician 75-hour program is divided into 2 sections over a 2-week period. freephlebotomyschool.com

Classes are online and hands on clinical externships are Nationwide designed to be flexible for busy work schedules! 

School Owner honors NYPD retired sergeant, former Connecticut patrol officer and 52 women across the US with free phlebotomy class.  

Free Phlebotomy, Laboratory Technician, Two-Week Job Training

Take the first steps toward building a new career in the medical field as a nationally certified phlebotomy technician with our free, flexible home study program blended with hands-on clinical lab externship. www.freephlebotomy.com

No need to spend thousands attending multiple trainings when you can do it all in one shot and gain multiple certifications!

Bigger schools will charge over $2,000 for their cost of training and with high interest loans. We like for our students to be debt free. NCMTI’s students don’t have to zoom hours a day or sit in a class room for weeks like traditional schools. (Assignments and tests can be done in the comfort of your home on any computer or mobile device)

About New Career Training Institute (NCMTI's) Free Phlebotomy School (Healthcare Workforce Bootcamp)

In 2015 the owner of New Career Training Institute (NCMTI.COM) and Healthcare Workforce Bootcamp announced that she would be the 1st Nationally-Ranked Trade School owner to waive tuition for her Phlebotomy and Medical Assistant Programs 3 times a year for ALL students, regardless of their financial situation or academic record.’  NCMTI is the only school in the nation that gives back to the community by offering 100% tuition free classes several times out of the year. This program is not federally funded. The owner provides this training as an act of kindness. 

NCMTI 2010 graduate of the free phlebotomy program now a nurse shares her testimony with new graduates

If you are having trouble with funds and are unable to receive any grants NCMTI’s 100% tuition free phlebotomy training is perfect for you. NCMTI’s 100% tuition free phlebotomy program might be the best investment for individuals looking to begin their career in healthcare without paying tuition. The course can be completed in 2 weeks and NCMTI will provide the skills necessary to secure a job as a Phlebotomy Technician.

The structure of this 2-week free Phlebotomy and Lab Tech class is composed of approximately 51-hours of home study (books will be provide to you at orientation) and 24-hours of face-to-face hands-on clinical instruction totaling 75 hours.  The is a home study class that requires a mandatory 24-hour externship. Not a zoom class. Click Here to learn about the externship provider

Wait theres more! Live blood Draws at the Phlebotomy Bootcamp!  No additional cost. You can earn your Phlebotomy Skills Certification NCMTI will coordinate a 24-hour hands-on experience and training at a Phlebotomy Skills Bootcamp  clinical site allowing students to gain the skills and confidence needed. 

Click here to learn more about Phlebotomy Bootcamp

NCMTI's 13th year anniversary -Feb 2023 graduation

NCMTI Career Session

Congratulations Jan 2023 Free Phlebotomy Class

Phlebotomy Boot Camp 2023

NCMTI Free Phlebotomy Class Dec 17th 2022. Day 1

Facts About NCMTI'S Free Phlebotomy Program

Lets view the facts!!! NCMTI’s blended accelerated education model has proven that it works!

Why is it that NCMTI’s phlebotomy graduating students are adequately prepared for the workforce is less time that 90% of the phlebotomy technician programs????

In 2010 NCMTI created a better education system not like traditional education that has been proven to be backwards when it comes to preparing students for the workforce. Many schools have tried to follow our model, but the facts about NCMTI’s program success can’t be denied. We are the pioneers for this new successful way of learning and yes are students are adequately prepared for the workforce. 

Hired before graduation!!


Multi-Skilled Phlebotomy Technician™ with Lab Tech

75 Hour Course


Home Study with Hands- on Phlebotomy Externship

Diploma and Earn 2 National Certifications

Free tuition once a year. Giving back to the community

Bigger Schools

2-12 Week Programs

Diploma and maybe 1 Certification

Never Free unless federally funded or grants


Course Breakdown

Stop and Read this section before calling

No. The receptionist is unable to verify seat availability over the phone. No you can not register by phone, Yes. The program is online. Yes. Externship sites are available Nationwide through our externship provider. No the receptions will not give you externship site locations. If you are selected into the free Phlebotomy Program you will be contacted 7 days prior to the start date. Due to high call volume NCMTI will not be returning call pertaining to questions that have already been answered on this site about the FREE tuition program.  

Step 1

Orientation 10-am-4pm

Lab Kit, Study Guide and books, uniform and lab coat will be handed out at orientation

Step 2

Next 52 hours of home study and online at your own pace(Assignments and tests can be done on any computer or mobile device)

Step 3

NCMTI will coordinate a 24-hour hands-on experience and training at a Phlebotomy Skills Bootcamp  clinical site allowing students to gain the skills and confidence needed. Most Employers require new hires to have a certain number of sticks before considering them for employment.  Plan for 2-4 days of hands-on skills class at the Phlebotomy Skills Bootcamp. Job skills Bootcamp is offered nationwide free for NCMTI’s students No additional cost for the Phlebotomy Bootcamp. Please do not contact the school regarding bootcamp locations if you are not a current student. Again Job skills bootcamps are offered nationwide. You will be assigned to the job skills bootcamp a week prior to completing your program.  Click here for externship provider information


#1 question will I get nationally certified?

(Yes you have the option to take the National Certification Exam the last day of class 7pm-9pm) The cost of the exam is $198.00. Upon passing the National Certification Exam you can work anywhere in the US. Please take note Washington state, Louisiana, Nevada and California have additional licensing requirements

Why do I have to pay for my study materials, uniform, lab coat and lab kit if the class tuition is free?

We can assure you that NCMTI is the only school in the nation that gives back to the community by offering a few 100% tuition free classes several times out of the year. This program is not federally funded. The owner provides this training as an act of kindness. Unfortunately we cannot provide books, uniforms, lab coats and lab kits and offer 100% tuition Free Phlebotomy and Lab Tech training.  Effective June 2022 the school will no longer include study materials, uniform, lab coat and lab kit in the free tuition program. The student is responsible for those fees.  

Next question we frequently receive calls regarding.

Hi i’m calling to ask a few questions how does the program work? The free phlebotomy class breakdown is on this page. Can I take the class if I live in another state? Yes. after passing the national exam you can work anywhere in the country. Please take note that Washington state, Louisiana, Nevada and California have additional licensing requirements.

Attention (Medical Assistants and former MA students do not qualify for this free class.) Medical Assistants or Phlebotomist with experience*  although we do appreciate your interest in our phlebotomy program NMCTI is a school of integrity you do not need to complete a phlebotomy program if you have previous experience. You can take a refresher course and earn national certification. Click here to learn more

Free Phlebotomy Schedule 2024

  • Next Free Class Sept 30 2024

Free Phlebotomy, and Lab Tech

 Course Tuition is 100% Free

Please Read! Am I responsible to pay anything out of pocket? Yes $598 for study materials, uniform, lab coat and lab kit.
How do I sign up? Click the registration link below. Seats are limited. Where will I have to travel for clinical externship days. Clinical externships will be held on Saturdays and Sundays for your convenience.
Can I call to register? No registration link will be emailed to you if you are accepted in the program. Payment for the study material and lab kit will be due when accepted in the program. The receptionist is unable to verify seat availability over the phone.